We are a troop of volunteers standing with those who need help standing on their own.
Things we can do for you
Be a Part of the Troop
Signing up for even one volunteer event, or the simple act of donating one of our many needed items, makes you a Silverbackks and one of our people
get warm fuzzy feelings
Get a happy little rush from knowing that you’ve done something to help your community… the men, women, and children that are your neighbors.
Get a Tax Break
Receipts for in-kind and monetary donations may be requested by emailing info@silverbackks.org. Silverbackks is a federally recognized 501(c)3 non-profit organization.
get some support
Or… if you are in need of support, please take a look to see if one of our programs would benefit you. Similarly, reach out to us on our Contact Us page if you don’t know where to begin. We might be able to help you find the assistance you need.
what a silverback does
The leader of each gorilla troop is the Silverback. If you’re reading this, you’re now a silverback!
The Silverback LEADS the troop to resources, such as ensuring they have food and shelter.
The Silverback HELPS the troop tend to the needs of elderly, young and ill members.
The Silverback BUILDS the troop as a community, promoting harmonious relationships and cooperation, even merging with other troops as needed.
The Silverback PROTECTS the troop, aggressively responding to threats without resorting to violence.